MO Rainbow Rights Community Rules
Our community is built with all members understanding and agreeing to the rules listed below before they join. Any member found not to follow these rules, or to exhibit unsafe behavior, may be warned or banned from our communities depending on the severity.
These rules expand to the whole of The MO Rainbow Rights community, such as our social media, website, and in-person community platforms, events, gatherings, etc.
By choosing to join The MO Rainbow Rights community, you are agreeing to:
- The MO Rainbow Rights community does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law.
- The MO Rainbow Rights community is anti-racist, anti-oppressive, anti-hate, and actively tries to avoid language, actions, media, and discussions that are oppressive, overly generalized, or otherwise harmful.
- Be considerate of others and their experiences. Avoid generalized statements and stick with “I” statements when talking about things you’ve experienced, felt, and such to avoid oppressive language. There is no one way to be lesbian, gay, allied, trans, or otherwise, so keep that in mind when interacting!
- The MO Rainbow Rights community tries its best to respect every member’s pronouns. Be mindful that if using the incorrect pronouns without effort to improve, you are being oppressive.
- The MO Rainbow Rights community is for anyone in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum and our allies, and that means there will be a wide age range. Questions about anything and everything may come up, and topics can vary, so be mindful of everything discussed and respond with the understanding that people are learning and likely looking for support. With this in mind, there will be a zero-tolerance policy for anything that could be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW) or inappropriate for all ages. This includes all media, links, and more.
- Anyone consistently creating an unsafe or uncomfortable environment may be removed. Anyone requiring constant correction or someone who gets overly heated regularly may be asked to avoid gatherings and events or wherever these problems are prevalent.
- The MO Rainbow Rights community takes an education-first approach when encountering ignorant language and action whenever possible and whenever not met with hostility or outright disrespect. Anyone who genuinely wishes to learn and grow will be welcomed with open arms and second chances are there for any who show they are ready to learn and evolve.
- Respect EVERYONE’S privacy. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group. Do not post any information about anyone else, or share the identity of current, future, or former members with anyone, for any reason.
- No promotions, sales, off-topic posts, or spam. Give more than you take in this group. Self-promotion, sales, spam, and irrelevant links and posts aren’t allowed.
- Advice–If you aren’t asked for it, don’t give it. Sometimes people just want to share, other times they may want advice. Unless someone posts for advice, asks questions, or otherwise requests your input on their lives/story, keep your responses appropriate to the nature of their expression.
- Do your part! Make sure you are being your rainbow best and hold others to the same standard. Do your part to make sure our community grows and stays welcoming, inclusive, supportive, fun, resourceful, and awesome whether it is online interaction, during one of our gatherings, or anything else we devise!
- Be considerate and kind. We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with compassion, but actively speak out against hate and oppression when the need arises.
- Healthy debates are natural, but they should be moved elsewhere or ended before they blow up around others to keep everyone comfortable and safe to the best of our abilities.
- When in doubt, stick with Wheaton’s Law (IYKYK)!
With all of that being said, I’ll repeat once more:
Please understand that, by choosing to join any of our communities/gatherings/events, you are agreeing to follow these rules.